U Values: SAP 10 vs SAP 2012

In June 2022, new building regulations came into force in England and the new SAP 10 methodology was adopted. Transitional arrangements are currently in place, so if you submitted your initial notice before 15th June 2022 and work will commence on site before 15th June 2023, your work can adhere to the old regulations.

However, if you submitted your initial notice after 15th June 2022 or work will commence after 15th June 2023, the new regulations will apply to your project.

The updated Part L adopts a fabric first approach to improving the energy efficiency of homes which means the maximum U Values have been updated. Please see our tables below to see how this may affect your project.

In the coming months, we’ll be taking a further look at U Values and how to achieve compliance under the new regulations.

U Values: New Build Fabric Elements, England

U Values: Extensions Fabric Elements, England

Upgrading Thermal – Extension Conversions SAP 2012

SAP 10 – Threshold U Values

If you’re looking for an experienced, knowledgeable team to carry out SAP Calculations for your project, we’d be delighted to help. Send us your plans and we’ll provide you with a quote.

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